Thursday, April 29, 2010
Celebrities Who Love RVs and Mobile Homes
One Hollywood star who loves his RV so much that he has named it Canoe. This star is Mathew McConaughey. He has an Airstream trailer that is often seen parked along the Malibu coast as McConaughey catches some surf. He uses the trailer to travel around the country and is known to host press meets while on the road. In fact, McConaughey was awarded the Recreation Vehicle Industry Association Spirit of America Award in the year 2007.
Actress Drew Barrymore took a month long vacation driving around the US in an RV some time in 2009. In a television show, she claimed that it was one of the most interesting and entertaining experiences of her life despite some minor problems she faced while driving.
In 1993, when wildfires burned out many homes in Malibu, Sean Penn was unfortunate enough to lose his mansion. However, Penn took matters into his hand and got an Airstream Sovereign into his estate and lived in it for a few years until his mansion was rebuilt. Now that is showing your love for your mobile home!
Then there is the singer and actress Dolly Parton who travels around the US in an RV. Of course, she travels in style and luxury as the RV is equipped with a huge shower and vanity mirror. And, not to be outdone by anyone is Pamela Anderson, whose Airstream was equipped vibrating bed, a mirror ball and a pole.
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Kum Martin is an online leading expert in education and autobiography. He also offers top quality articles like:
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Celebrities' Life
In contrast, for other countries like Malaysia, Thailand and others for instance, the entertainment industries just seem to be not as active and happening as other countries. It seems that the politicians gain more attention than celebrities from these countries. Thus, the entertainment industries in different countries varies. Some artistes just end up venturing into different industries like fashion, business or others when they do not have true fanatic fans that will buy their original albums. Their talent may just be wasted away in this way. Therefore, it is really not easy to a well-known celebrity that can earn thousands and millions of dollars just by singing. It's not easy to get the fame like Michael Jackson had just by singing and dancing without toiling away. Celebrities need to have the look and precious talent. And perhaps, expand their career in the right place too.
Sunday, April 25, 2010 can get Financing for you
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Friday, April 16, 2010
The Ways to Become a Celebrity

What is a celebrity? How can one be a celebrity?...are the usual questions come to people's mind. In very simple words, it can be said that a celebrity is a famous person recognized in a society for their extra qualities or talents.
Celebrities always get media attention and most often shows an extroverted persona. A lot of ways are there by which people have became celebrities, such as from their profession, manifestation in the mass media, beauty or sometimes by entire accident or infamy.
When a person becomes a celebrity within a very short span of time, he or she is called instant celebrity. Sometimes, some people achieve a small amount of transient fame through publicity or mass media. People are usually fond of celebrities and admire them a lot.
These days, the voracious public fascination for celebrities and demand for celebrity online gossip has increased a lot which can be seen in the rise of the gossip columnist, tabloid, paparazzi and celebrity blogging etc.
The increasing number of international celebrities in acting and popular music is because of the large part to the huge scope and scale of the media industries, enabling celebrities to be viewed more often and in many places.
However, to become a celebrity people try many ways both right and wrong. Some people create fake rumors about themselves only to have publicity and thus, become famous. But doing such kind of activity actually not going to provide any kind of celebrity status to them and instead, it will harm their own image in public.
yachika verma is witer and write articles on celebrity hot trends. For latest celebrity update visit
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Web Hosting News Site
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Thursday, April 8, 2010
Celebrities That Love Safe Sex
These celebrities know the importance of safe sex and can't wait to share the message with their fans. Whether they're fronting TV adverts, designing condoms or simply sharing their views, they've all done their bit to promote regular STD testing and safe sex.
Kelly Osbourne
Kelly Osbourne knows the importance of regular STD testing. As an ambassador for World Contraceptive Day, she stunned reporters by admitting that she has four STD tests a year. However, Kelly's regular STD testing isn't down to a reluctance to use contraception, Kelly admits that she always plays safe and gets tested for her own piece of mind. Surprisingly, Kelly's grown-up approach to contraception could be down to her dad, Ozzy. The Dancing on Ice star admits that the first time she saw a condom was when she was seven years old and that was because they were always given out for free during her father's concerts.
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga has stated that she wants to make it cool for women to carry condoms. During an interview with a glossy magazine, she told how using a condom could save lives and that, in 2010, women shouldn't still be worrying about guys not liking them for wanting to use contraception.
Lady Gaga knows how important condoms are, after a look at her unhealthy lifestyle prompted her to get STD testing in February. She told fans how her busy schedule often prevents her from having regular screenings and that, when she arrived back home in New York, she went straight to her gynaecologist for HIV and AIDS tests.
Madonna's love live was recently used in a groundbreaking advert promoting AIDS awareness in Brazil.
The billboard starts with Madonna and reads "Madonna who shagged Guy Ritchie, who shagged Tania Strecker, who shagged Robbie Williams, who shagged Natalie Imbruglia...." and goes down through a massive list of celebrities, before finally ending back at Madonna again via Rufus Sewell. The advert shows just how many people you could be sleeping with by association if you don't wear a condom. So if all the celebrities on this list had neglected to use a condom, and you have unprotected sex with Madonna then you're also at risk of catching STDs from Vanilla Ice, Tupac, Paris Hilton and Mick Jagger. In case, this advert isn't enough to warn you to wear a condom, Madonna has also recorded a safe sex message for MTV warning about the risk of AIDS.
Lil Wayne
Lil Wayne believes in the importance of safe sex and has even penned a song with the lyrics "Safe sex is great sex, so better wear a latex/'cause you don't want that late text/that "I think I'm late" text/Heh-heh, so wrap it up". In an interview with Playboy magazine, Lil Wayne shared his safe sex techniques, which sadly are a little too graphic to repeat. However, Wayne has done his part to promote safe sex and regular STD testing by appearing in an advert for Strapped Condoms. The advertisement shows Lil Wayne doing what he does best - getting arrested. Whilst Lil Wayne is being handcuffed to a police car, a selection of his belongings is spread on the hood including a packet of Strapped Condoms.
Jenna Jameson
As a porn star, Jenna knows the importance of regular STD testing. However, the safe sex campaign Jenna is featured in is slightly different to the norm. Jenna posed nude alongside text that reads "Sometimes too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing". But there's no need to worry, Jenna isn't promoting abstinence, she's simply doing her bit to promote safe sex - for cats and dogs. "Until cats and dogs can go on the pill or wear condoms we need to help them promote safe sex", says Jenna.
Tim Leach is part of USALabTesting that can provide confidential, online STD testing at over 2,000 other clinics across the USA. We have a large range of STD tests available and getting peace of mind is discreet, easy and painless.
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