Why is it that celebrities are the one's who lose weight faster than anyone else out there? You might have seen them packed with some weight but within a matter of a few weeks or months they look slimmer than ever before. How is this possible? Are they all getting some sort of surgeries done? You see they aren't any surgeries done as most of the times they lose it naturally. How? Read on to discover some of the little known celebrity weight loss secrets you never knew...
They all have personal trainers- You see who else can recommend what's the best for you than professionals? There isn't one celebrity out there who doesn't seem to have a personal trainer. You see the best way to really lose weight is to have a trainer which would keep you on track and at the same time study your progress with weight loss.
They are extremely strict on their diet- Another reason why most celebrities lose weight real fast is due to the reason that most of them are real strict with what they eat when they are trying to lose weight and they stick to their diets. They never make excuses or quit after a while they just stick to it until they see some results.
It's a do or die for them- You see for most celebrities their bodies mean bread and butter for them. If they are overweight they wouldn't get any work at all. You see so more or less they don't seem to have any other option but to lose weight therefore they never give up and you need to do the same. You need to find a reason which would keep you going and you wouldn't give up no matter what.
The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pushpa_Pal_Singh
Celebrities and Breast Size - They're Not as Naturally Blessed as You Might Think
The obsession over cosmetic perfection and, more recently, breast size, has sparked a rash of Hollywood "upsizing" in the breast department. Who's natural, what cup size are they, and who's had breast surgery? The answers may or may not be surprising. In other words, you might be shocked at just how much a push up bra can deceive to the tune of 1,2 and even three cup sizes!
Celebrities - How they Influence What We Want in a Breast Size
What determines the size of a full grown woman's breasts? Is it primarily environmental or outside influences, or is it all "in the genes"? The final size of a woman's mature breasts is mostly determined by heredity and can range from very small AA cups to very full EE cups. Breast size varies greatly among women, but the average breast size is a B cup, and all sizes and shapes are normal and healthy, although they may not fit the conventional idea of breast beauty.
For some reason, probably the increasing popularity of breast augmentation surgery and the overwhelming number of female celebrities who are considered sexy who have this breast size, the common perception today is that the perfect size is a C cup. See some famous celebrity breast sizes below, and you'll see these famous women are as diverse as the rest of us. Although they may all look like they have C cups in the movies or in videos, you'll see what they've really got without the padding, underwire and inserts!
Celebrity Breast Sizes - Does Their Cup Truly Runneth Over?
Jennifer Lopez cup size: Modest B cup
Angelina Jolie boob size: C cup: Hate to break it to you, but these are probably real. Yes, she is genetic perfection in the form of a waif thin body and large breasts, I'm afraid.
Britney Spears breast size: Modest C cup (when she's not pregnant or is on the slimmer side)
Christina Aguilera: Pre Breast Implants: A cup
Post Breast Implants: Large C cup
Catherine Bell cup size: Large D cup: Not definitive that she has implants, but I suspect she was a fairly busty woman who also had implants, which is why this large breast size looks so natural on her, and yet she doesn't have a whole lot of sagging for such a large size.
Jessica Simpson bra size: Small D cup: Jessica Simpson is another celebrity that has been puzzled over as to whether she has implants. Some "experts" say yes, and some say she's natural. I just want to know how she lost all that weight and didn't lose a bit of breast size. Hmmm...
Jessica Alba bra size: Small B cup: Although Jessica Alba is one of those celebs that has worn many a push up bras and I suspect has also worn gel inserts to change cup size so drastically between films, you can tell she has a natural breast size of about a small B cup. She also has very little body fat, which accounts for her perfectly natural smaller size.
While many of us may not be happy with the appearance of our breasts, it is good to know that they do come in all sizes and shapes, and we can actually improve their appearance - whether it be increasing their size, enhancing the shape and contour of the breast, or adding to the perkiness, firmness and perfect beauty of the female form, if we are not happy with our current breast size and appearance. There are lots of ways to do this. Massage, exercise, supplementation and just an all around good diet are a few of the ways.
It's just good to know that some of the most beautiful celebrities in the world have either had a lot of help from a plastic surgeon in the breast department, or they are not as large as they are made to look on screen. It goes to show that the most important thing is that you are happy with yourself, and feeling beautiful has much more to do with confidence and other areas other than your breasts.
Visit Natural Breast Enhancement for more information on breast enlargement products, reviews and tips to get the best results. Danna Schneider is the founder of Breast Enhancement Product Reviews as well as several other websites about beauty, well being and health.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danna_Schneider
Michael Jackson has just passed away.
Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We’re told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.
Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr. (also known as "Prince"), Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson II (also known as Blanket)
this is truly a sad day……
With all the money at their disposal and the best doctors they can call we may think that celebrities skin does not show spots. The truth may be otherwise. Acne does not know the owner of the skin and it appears anywhere on anybody if conditions are conductive.
Recently a study found that stress is one of the causes of acne. All celebrities live a life of stress. It is not easy to face the cameras and be in public glare all the time. The worry of failure may also be causing a lot of stress. This will cause acne in some celebrities.
How about the makeup? A celebrity may use the best make up that is non comedogenic. But it does block the skin pores. It may contribute to acne.
Those who need a skin that is flawless and free of any kind of spots do get acne. So do all of us. The best is to treat acne in the right manner.
Keep your skin as much clean as possible. Do not over wash.
Avoid stress. If you get acne, do not get stressed. That may flare up the acne. Acne medication takes time to treat acne. Be patient and use your medicine regularly.
If you find that a food is causing breakout of acne avoid that food.
Do not pop up acne. That may cause scarring.
Change your medication after two to three months. That will not allow acne to become resistant to a particular medicine.
Use antibiotics if infection develops. Infection may cause scars.
The common medicines made from Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic Acid are good for most kind of mild acne. Use retinoids for less severe acne. Use retinoids to treat blackheads and keep your skin young.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
Before we ask the question - are celebrities happy, let us first find out what is happiness? If you feel good for an hour every day, and horrible for the rest of the day, are you happy? What if you are happy for eight hours a day and feel down for the remaining sixteen hours, are you a happy person? For most of us, happiness is a state that is not permanent. We are not happy throughout the day. At least majority of us are not.
What is happiness? Happiness means a sense of deep contentment. A cheerful outlook. An attitude of positive thoughts. A person who has these qualities is happy during all the times of the day.
How about celebrities then? They have name, fame and wealth. They can, not only buy whatever they desire, but they can also buy a loved one. They can buy anything. Their name is splashed around in the media most of the times. Every news about them is awaited by the general population. Celebrities may not have been born with a silver spoon in the mouth, but the current spoon is mostly that of gold. So they must be happy! Don't we think so.
But sadly, happiness is away from most of the celebrities. Speaking of contentment, most of them are not only not feeling any contentment, but are frustrated. Their every movement is captured by the media. They are always in the public eye. So they try to hide. They are jealous at times of the common man. And they have no deep sense of peace in them. Rather their life and minds are full of turbulence most of the times. They are at times so dissatisfied with their own life that they wish to run away from themselves. This they cannot do, and therefore substances that take them away from their own realities are often used by them.
Happiness has something to do with money, but only to an extent. Happiness has nothing to do with fame, if you are not satisfied with yourself. Whatever the world may say, unless one has self-esteem, one can never be happy. All of us sail in the same boat. Most of us are living unhappy lives most of the time. Let us get happiness that will give us a satisfied sense of living. Let us strive for happiness in our own inner world.
Before we ask the question - are celebrities happy, let us first find out what is happiness? If you feel good for an hour every day, and horrible for the rest of the day, are you happy? What if you are happy for eight hours a day and feel down for the remaining sixteen hours, are you a happy person? For most of us, happiness is a state that is not permanent. We are not happy throughout the day. At least majority of us are not.
What is happiness? Happiness means a sense of deep contentment. A cheerful outlook. An attitude of positive thoughts. A person who has these qualities is happy during all the times of the day.
How about celebrities then? They have name, fame and wealth. They can, not only buy whatever they desire, but they can also buy a loved one. They can buy anything. Their name is splashed around in the media most of the times. Every news about them is awaited by the general population. Celebrities may not have been born with a silver spoon in the mouth, but the current spoon is mostly that of gold. So they must be happy! Don't we think so.
But sadly, happiness is away from most of the celebrities. Speaking of contentment, most of them are not only not feeling any contentment, but are frustrated. Their every movement is captured by the media. They are always in the public eye. So they try to hide. They are jealous at times of the common man. And they have no deep sense of peace in them. Rather their life and minds are full of turbulence most of the times. They are at times so dissatisfied with their own life that they wish to run away from themselves. This they cannot do, and therefore substances that take them away from their own realities are often used by them.
Happiness has something to do with money, but only to an extent. Happiness has nothing to do with fame, if you are not satisfied with yourself. Whatever the world may say, unless one has self-esteem, one can never be happy. All of us sail in the same boat. Most of us are living unhappy lives most of the time. Let us get happiness that will give us a satisfied sense of living. Let us strive for happiness in our own inner world.